

This page is for presenting different sections of my personal work as character design moreover audiovisual artist. This mainly shows my most professional works which involves character design in the first section. The next two of them are for my personal and fanart works. Finally, the last section contains another important aspect of me as an artist, videoart creations.

diseño de personajes teen gothz

Character Design

Character design portfolio which contains lineups, exploration, expressions and poses in each project.

diseño de personajes manga


Original characters from personal projects. Here you will find a great amount of diverse characters in both different theme and style. Also it contains some illustration work.

Diseño de personajes cartoon

Fan Arts

This section shows illustration and characters based on famous tv shows or anime series which have marked me in an special way.

videoarte lugonz


Here hiddes the most personal and hurting feelings of my past in a videoart form. This is mainly about my relationship with my father and other audiovisual projects.

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